Report on LUSA elections held March 2022

Lukenya University > News > Report on LUSA elections held March 2022

The Dean of Students Office organized the LUSA elections after being given a go-ahead by the University Senate. The elections were held between 3rd March and 9th March 2022.

The office adopted the collegiate system based on student academic representations. The elections were held in accordance with the Varsity’s act 2016. The lowest level of representation was the class. The class, (each unit of study this semester) therefore gave a delegate. The delegates elected the Students’ Parliament which was done in schools, followed by the Senate and students’ Executive. Documents at each level are attached.

Before elections, there was a timeline for the training of the collegial system of electing leaders. This was done among students who acted as commissioners and clerks during the voting process.

The same was extended to the student fraternity who were trained on the same through notices on noticeboards, class visits, and WhatsApp groups.

Get the full Report here

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