A team from Lukenya University led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Constantine Nyamboga visited the Konza Technopolis on 15th July 2021. This was a follow up visit resulting from the previous sensitization visit by the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoDTA) officials at Lukenya University on 16th March 2021. The Lukenya University team met three KoDTA board members, planted trees at the Technopolis and held a meeting with the KoTDA personnel. Key among the issues discussed was concerning the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Lukenya University and Konza Technopolis. The MoU, among other things includes creation of innovation hubs to tap creative ideas from students for commercializing, patenting, collaboration in research, conferences and webinars and business incubation. The possibility of taking advantage of the special economic zone within Konza Technopolis, and prospects of setting up a School of Excellence was also discussed.